Our trip to South Carolina was very nice… even with all the pollen that covered our newly washed and waxed truck and camper.
We arrived, got all hooked up, while greeting and talking to our wonderful friends. The campground is very nice, spaced nicely, and wooded. Of course, Thor was SO excited, being near his old friend, Myrddin. They just had SO much to talk about!!!
Behind us, was our friends, Char and Denny. It was wonderful being with them again, we had so much to catch up on, and of course, the fellas had to go shopping together to the auto stores. This gave Char and Pat lots of time to catch up on all the goings on of the last year.
First, we attended a computer class, held by the Geeks on Tour couple, Chris and Jim Guld. We attended their computer boot camp last rally, and it was great. Seems like each time we go, we learn more!! This is such a great couple, and we are looking forward to seeing them again in Goshen at the Escapees Rally in September. Jim and Linda Smith were at the next table… learning lots too~
Pat’s computer buddy, Denise, was at the rally too, did not get to see her as much as we would have liked, but we did get in some good times together… (Pat even got her to get a poodle skirt for the 50-60’s night..!!
*******PARTY TIME*********
At last.. it was “50-60’s night!!! What a blast it was!!! All of us “old folks” remembering our youth… Of course, most of us forgot our bodies were not 20 any longer, and most of us could not walk the next morning, but.. what the heck… we had a romping good evening.. dancing to the old tunes, singing along with them, and generally getting lost in the 60’s…. Some wore what we had wore at that time, and got lots of laughs out of that too. Pat was so lucky, her wonderful friend, Pat McConnel made her poodle skirt… and she received compliment after compliment on it during the evening. Of course, it had to be combined with Jim’s ring on a chain, and a letter sweater (borrowed from her friend, Sarah Peck). It was finished off with white shoes, bobby socks, and red shoe laces. Wow.. what a hoot.. even got a compliment after the party, walking home, from another camper, walking by us… Thanks again, Pat McConnell… you made the day…
This picture was taken by Chris Guld, and was in her blog..
Leaving, and saying goodbye to all our RV Dreamer friends is always difficult… but the rally came to a end. all too quickly, and we had to say… “See you Again”…
We look forward to seeing ya’all again next year.. if not before…
Our next stop was Plaines Georgia… to see Jimmy Carter’s home town. So strange, living in Georgia all these years, and not seeing it. But we thought it was high time to do so. It was very educational, and we learned a lot about our 39th president. We visited his high school, where he attended, saw the class room where he learned his ABC’s, and viewed lots of documents and pictures of him and his wife during their early years in Plains and where he campaigned for President. It is just a wide spot in the road, even now, but we were told they still get thousands of visitors monthly, even after all this time The train station was his headquarters.
Yesterday we drove a few miles over to see Fort Sumter, also known as Andersonville Prison Camp. What a sad place that was. We have wanted to go and see it for years, especially after my genealogy work I have done on my Father’s line. We were able to get a tape that played while we drove through the park. It was very well kept up, and it left you with a deep feeling of thankfulness to all the young people that lost their lives here. Over 2,000 young lives lost … and this was all in a period of only 14 months!!
We viewed where the stockade and the line of the prison, which was marked in posts, where thousands of men were imprisoned. The small tents were what they made for themselves, to try to protect from the elements. In front of one of the walls, you will see manacles, where they were held by their ankles.. The cages around the trees were where they tied to tunnel out, but were almost always caught… It was a difficult thing to view, but something everyone should try to go and see. As always, we have a lot more pictures, but due to space, we have just chosen these few …
The last picture is a small portion of the gravesites that were here.
Tomorrow, we head back home. It has been a wonderful time, seeing our friends again, and seeing things and places we have not seen before. As always, the time simply flew by. We will be home for abut 4 weeks, and we will be heading out on our next trip to Illinois, Wisconsin and South Dakota. Gives Thor and us time to catch our breaths, and pack up again.. We are having a great time, and want to thank you for joining us on our journeys… Till we head out again, will say Good-by….. take care now… as always… Walk Softly……..
Jim, Pat and Thor…