We decided to take a few free hours and drive through the town of Branson. My, what a strange town. Kind of like a little Las Vegas. Lots of shops if you are so inclined to want to buy. Lots of places to eat too. The traffic tries your patience to the limit, I must say. Kind of bumper to bumper driving. Folks are not the most courteous. All in a rush, I guess to spend that money. One of the reasons we went was to take a picture of the craziest place we have ever seen. When visiting Branson a few years ago, we drove by this building, but were unable to take a picture. Jim has never forgotten it, so it was top priority this year to capture it on tape.. here it is... what do you think of it? Something else, don't you think? Leave it to Ripley..
Friday evening we had a wonderful catered dinner and afterward, some of our more brave rv'ers put on a "fashion show", which brought down the house! We all laughed till our sides ached. Such good fun was had by all.
Linda Payne, one of the rally coordinators, really set everyone back on their heels with a "wild and wooly" rendition of a song she dearly loves. It brought everyone up of their feet, stomping and clapping. It really got loud. I know they must have heard us all over the campground. Sure was hard, to end the evening. The rally days are going by so quickly.. we will all hate to say goodbye...