Saturday, June 14, 2008

Crazy town of Branson

We decided to take a few free hours and drive through the town of Branson. My, what a strange town. Kind of like a little Las Vegas. Lots of shops if you are so inclined to want to buy. Lots of places to eat too. The traffic tries your patience to the limit, I must say. Kind of bumper to bumper driving. Folks are not the most courteous. All in a rush, I guess to spend that money. One of the reasons we went was to take a picture of the craziest place we have ever seen. When visiting Branson a few years ago, we drove by this building, but were unable to take a picture. Jim has never forgotten it, so it was top priority this year to capture it on tape.. here it is... what do you think of it? Something else, don't you think? Leave it to Ripley..

We don't really know what this was.. but it caught Jim's eye..

Friday evening we had a wonderful catered dinner and afterward, some of our more brave rv'ers put on a "fashion show", which brought down the house! We all laughed till our sides ached. Such good fun was had by all.

Linda Payne, one of the rally coordinators, really set everyone back on their heels with a "wild and wooly" rendition of a song she dearly loves. It brought everyone up of their feet, stomping and clapping. It really got loud. I know they must have heard us all over the campground. Sure was hard, to end the evening. The rally days are going by so quickly.. we will all hate to say goodbye...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

RV Dreams Rally

Our rally is getting in full swing...
The computer instructor, Chris, is having a great time with us... as is the "perfect poodle", Odie.
Everyone here seems to love our little computer geek poodle. He keeps everyone laughing.

Howard and Linda Payne, the rally coordinators, have done a great job, bringing it all together. The idea of a big tent was a inspiration. Everyone gathers under it and have a wonderful time socializing. Keeps us out of the sun too!! It is getting kind of crowded when we all get there together.. over 120 of us!! But everyone has a great time.

We are all meeting fellow rv'ers, who we have been talking to for over a year, so it is like we are meeting "old friends". My picture is with my fellow chat mates, Ellie and Karon. So good to finally meet them. Have so many I want to meet in these four days!! We all wear name tags that were all made up for us.. wasn't that a great idea? Jim and I already have raspy voices.. have not talked this much in I don't know how long. By the time we leave, we will probably have no voices.., ah... what quiet it will be, huh?

This evening we all gathered together for pizza and ice cream. Can you imagine getting in enough pizza for over 120 people? We all had a great time.. but the noise was something else.. all those folks talking... We were entertained with Linda and Howard.. our coordinators... you had to be there .

Well, tomorrow is another full day. So much planned for us... never a dull moment. I will hate to see it all end. Meeting so many great folks. Even Thor... he has made a fast friend with the class A next door. Wonder what they talk about when we are gone?

School Days...

It is back to school for Pat and Jim (Thor was not invited). We took a two day "Re-Boot" class. It was given two days before the rally begins. The instructors are a man and wife team, Jim and Chris Guild. The have a business called "Geeks On Tour". Rather unusual.. they speak at rallies, such as ours, and do a business with Computer services and mobile Internet. Jim and I learned so much, it was unbelievable.. what we did not know. Going into the class, we thought it was mostly for Pat.. being almost completely computer illiterate.. or, as some would say."dumb as dirt". Surprising, Jim found himself saying over and over "I never knew that!!". Wow...
The two days just flew by.. of course my little ol' brain just about could not take it all in, but now I cannot wait to be able to get back and try out all my new found knowledge. We really enjoyed our "training".. and to top it all off, we got to meet and make friends with Odie. Who is Odie, you ask? It is Jim and Chris' little "perfect poodle". He was so lovable... a little "geek" poodle. How about that? I am putting in the blog a couple pictures of our class and our instructors..