It is back to school for Pat and Jim (Thor was not invited). We took a two day "Re-Boot" class. It was given two days before the rally begins. The instructors are a man and wife team, Jim and Chris Guild. The have a business called "Geeks On Tour". Rather unusual.. they speak at rallies, such as ours, and do a business with Computer services and mobile Internet. Jim and I learned so much, it was unbelievable.. what we did not know. Going into the class, we thought it was mostly for Pat.. being almost completely computer illiterate.. or, as some would say."dumb as dirt". Surprising, Jim found himself saying over and over "I never knew that!!". Wow...
The two days just flew by.. of course my little ol' brain just about could not take it all in, but now I cannot wait to be able to get back and try out all my new found knowledge. We really enjoyed our "training".. and to top it all off, we got to meet and make friends with Odie. Who is Odie, you ask? It is Jim and Chris' little "perfect poodle". He was so lovable... a little "geek" poodle. How about that? I am putting in the blog a couple pictures of our class and our instructors..

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